We are thrilled to partner with Usability Seattle to bring Dan Szuc and Steve Portigal to Seattle for joint events beginning with an intimate workshop on Tuesday, August 19 followed by a talk on Wednesday, August 20. Please join us as we welcome them to our design community.
Healthy and Creative Work Environments Workshop
Tuesday, August 19 from 6:30 to 9:30
In this participatory workshop, Steve and Dan will lead a series of exercises and discussions to help uncover the elements of our work cultures that we are missing, what is blocking us from establishing our desired state and some ways of getting there.
Tickets $30 (Limited to 20 tickets.)
Soft Skills Are Hard: A Journey To Healthier Work
Wednesday, August 20 from 6:30 to 8:30
Dan and Steve will present what they’ve each been working on in considering the under-nurtured yet increasingly essential human skills for healthy, collaborative and creative environments.
Tickets $10
About the presenters
Dan Szuc has been helping businesses rediscover human needs for over 20 years and is the co-founder of ApogeeHK, UXHK, co-author of the Usability Kit & Global UX. He lives in Hong Kong with Jo Wong, loves dumplings and is writing a third book.
Steve Portigal is the author of Interviewing Users and the founder of Portigal Consulting, a firm that helps clients to discover and act on new insights about their customers and themselves.
Event sponsors
A special thanks to The Creative Group, Avvo and Zillow for helping make these events possible. Many thanks to Rosenfeld Media for providing us with copies of Steve's book, Interviewing Users, to give away at the events.